Similarly, if a person consistently shows willingness, but lacks the knowledge to perform her or his duties, then she or he is also not dependable. If a person is highly skilled but lacks the will to perform her or his duties, then she or he is not a dependable resource for the team.
Whenever individuals lack either will or skill, or both, their behaviors are also affected, which in turn, affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the team or organization. To foster a positive and productive working environment, leaders must manage the will, skill, and behavior of the individuals they lead. This model posits that an individual’s will and skill have a direct influence on their behavior. The leadership traits listed under Behavior are bearing, dependability, integrity, loyalty, tact, and unselfishness. The leadership traits listed under Skill are decisiveness, judgement, justice, and knowledge.
As shown in the model, the Marine Corps leadership traits listed under Will are courage, endurance, enthusiasm, and initiative.